Yes I have always been a big fan of games. I don't get to play much anymore as I am usually working. My one dream right now is to see my book turned into a game. Honestly if someone had the skill to do that I would sign over the game rights without asking for a cent. I just want a free copy of the game. Maybe one day my dream will come true and I will be able to take my controller in hand or my iPhone and play as Thad or better yet Avalanche lol.
Paper and pencil game or video game? I think that good magic systems (especially ones as gloriously complicated as yours) are wasted on video games as they are ether over-simplistic or so complicated that by the time you cast your spell you're already dead.
ReplyDeleteI would like to see either but I don't have the knowledge to make a paper and pencil game. Growing up in a small town there was never anyone to play with so I have never played one myself. I have thought about doing books over the magic system races and gods but honestly I don't have the time. a video game would be cool though I would prefer it to be a long rpg. Maybe after I have some time and extra money I can invest in having a game set made for the world though besides selling it on amazon I don't know how I would get it into stores. I am having hell of a lot of trouble getting my books into traditional stores. if enough people went to their local book stores and asked them to carry them it would help a lot or sending letter to barns and noble and Wal-Mart. My voice is a very small one and they don't seem to care much about a self published author unless there is a lot of noise from their fans. So if you know a company that does games write them have your friends write them and ask them to consider it for upcoming works. I have tried but my one voice seems pretty meek to them.
ReplyDeleteWell who did you ask? It would be much more effective to focus our efforts on one specific company.
ReplyDeleteI have contacted wall-mart and barns and noble as for games while I play a lot I don't know which company would be the best to approach on that end.
ReplyDeleteWell, Wizards of the Coast is an obvious pick but they are a very large company so it's iffy if they'll make it. Palladium Books is also pretty good but less well known so it's trading likelihood of acceptance for well knowness.