Thursday, February 21, 2013

book three Broken mage

i know book 2 isnt out yet but its at my editors so im on to book three which i already had a head start on since i worked on it whenever i got stuck with the second book. thought id put up the cover to see what people thought of it.


  1. looks like a vbied hit whatever the hell that was.

    1. as long as it wasnt from a vbed made of a wast desposal truck lol

  2. I just bought (Kindle) book one and two this weekend and read both. I love the story so far and really enjoying the main Character so far.
    I would love to see more of the Queen and the Princess in the next book.
    It would be nice if Mark could have an apprentice in the next few books like the girl he is taking as his daughter/Sister.
    Just a little info on book 1 and 2 you need to have a better editor. Both books where using wrong words and missed spelled words throughout the book.
    Like I said before I loved the story so far and would love to know when book 3 will be out in Amazon for the Kindle.
    Do you have a date in mind for book 3 to be out for the Kindle..

    Thanks for a good book to read. 

  3. i dont have a date for the third book yet though i will admit it its a mark/tahd heavy book with the entarnace of a new character. in the next few books Thad will be away from Farlan but i will be releasing books along with them that focuse is the three main supportiing characters in the book. ELone, Monique, and the Princess willl each be getting their own side stoires. it is essential to the main story line and overall plot. i do have an editor working on the first two books and plan to have the rest done as well. though i am getting together a beta group that can help with that.

  4. i dont want to give anything away but Thad will be getting an aprentice though that is still a few books away.

  5. That sounds great. How many books are you looking to do in the series?
    Yes I think it would be great in keeping up with the same time line with the three party's.
    1. Thad (Main part of the book)
    2. The Capital (Queen, Princess) Small Chapters just to keep up with the events of the Capital.
    3. Eloen Party and the Battle of the Fort (Small Chapters again just to keep up with the events).
    I think this would be a nice flow of info going on in the book for the reader. Plus it would let you build up your sub-Characters.
    I love the books.

  6. actually there are three arc's to the story and each
    arc one reawakening saga right now there is planned to be 7 books = thand
    2= princess and queen
    2=Eloen maybe 3
    2-3 with Monique

    second arc will be the Fae knights saga (name might change) dont know how many books yet

    third arc (hasnt got a name yet)

    well that is whats planned so far. i also want to do some stand alone books about the fae wars and the imperial days as well as cover some of the other aspects of the world. i honestly believe if it was possiable for me to put out a book a month it will still take me 20 years to begin to cover the world ive created lmao.
